Living in a rural area has many benefits such as the ability to enjoy the great outdoors and plenty of privacy. However, country living also involves its share of not-so-great attributes as well. Maintaining a water and septic system usually finds its way to the top of that list.
Regardless of how much a homeowner loathes the duties of maintaining a septic system, the requirements continue to exist. Too often septic system maintenance tasks are overlooked, or simply ignored. Many rural area homeowners end up experiencing problems with a septic tank because their mindset is “if it’s not broken — don’t fix it”. Unfortunately, that is not the case with septic tank systems.
Another important factor about maintaining a healthy septic system is controlling what goes into the tank. These systems completely rely on bacteria to break down and reduce the solids into a more tolerant density. Upon transformation, the waste naturally divides into three different elements: liquid, grease/fat/scum and insoluble particles. It is important to closely monitor what is allowed down a sink drain, or flushed down a toilet. Other than toilet paper (and even that is somewhat questionable to date), no other paper products should pass through the system (especially feminine products).
As the waste in the septic tank separates during the digestive process, the insoluble particles fall to the bottom; grease, fat and scum float to the top; and the liquid flows out of the system and into the drainfield. The ground within the drainfield should remain free of excess water and chemicals to allow a proper consistency to effectively absorb and neutralize the tank’s liquid waste. Needless to say, sprinklers and all other household drainage (including gutters) should be positioned to flow away from the tank’s drainfield.
Conserving water is great for the environment, but also helpful to a septic system. Consider regularly checking faucets and toilets for leaks, and only running washing machines and dishwashers as often as absolutely necessary. It is also a good idea to limit the amount of detergents and household chemicals used to avoid complications with the septic tank digesters.
Most importantly, remember to have your septic tank pumped at least every other year by a professional septic tank pumping company like Rapid Rooter. If a septic system is properly maintained, it is not necessary to add other additives or enhancers as often suggested by manufacturers and distributors of these types of products. All of the natural bacteria necessary to break down the tank’s solid waste are found in the human feces regularly entering the system.
If it’s time to pump your septic tank, or you need any type of plumbing repairs or maintenance services, give Rapid Rooter in South Florida a call 877-202-6874, or visit us at Boca Raton Plumbers.